This page listed to assist Dr. W. with coding procedures.
Peripheral Nerves (64400-64999)
Introduction/Injection of Anesthetic Agent (Nerve Block), Diagnostic or Therapeutic (64400-64530)
Somatic Nerves (64400-64484)
64450 Injection, anesthetic agent; other peripheral nerve or branch
(For phenol destruction, see 64622 64623 64626 -64627)
(For subarachnoid or subdural injection, see 62280, 62310 62311 62318 -62319)
(For epidural or caudal injection, see 62273, 62281 -62282, 62310 62311 62318 -62319)
(Codes 64470 64472 64475 64476 64479 64480 64483 -64484 are unilateral procedures. For bilateral procedures, use modifier ‘-50’)
(For fluoroscopic guidance and localization for needle placement and injection in conjunction with codes 64470 64472 64475 64476 64479 64480 64483 -64484, use code 76005)
64470 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, paravertebral facet joint or facet joint nerve; cervical or thoracic, single level
64472 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, paravertebral facet joint or facet joint nerve; cervical or thoracic, each additional level (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use code 64472 in conjunction with code 64470)
64475 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, paravertebral facet joint or facet joint nerve; lumbar or sacral, single level
64476 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, paravertebral facet joint or facet joint nerve; lumbar or sacral, each additional level (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use code 64476 in conjunction with code 64475)
64479 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, transforaminal epidural; cervical or thoracic, single level
64480 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, transforaminal epidural; cervical or thoracic, each additional level (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use code 64480 in conjunction with code 64479)
64483 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, transforaminal epidural; lumbar or sacral, single level
64484 Injection, anesthetic agent and/or steroid, transforaminal epidural; lumbar or sacral, each additional level (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use code 64484 in conjunction with code 64483)
Neurostimulators (Peripheral Nerve) (64550-64595)
64577 Incision for implantation of neurostimulator electrodes; autonomic nerve
64580 Incision for implantation of neurostimulator electrodes; neuromuscular
64581 Incision for implantation of neurostimulator electrodes; sacral nerve (transforaminal placement)
64585 Revision or removal of peripheral neurostimulator electrodes
64590 Incision and subcutaneous placement of peripheral neurostimulator pulse generator or receiver, direct or inductive coupling
64595 Revision or removal of peripheral neurostimulator pulse generator or receiver
Destruction by Neurolytic Agent (eg, Chemical, Thermal, Electrical or Radiofrequency) (64600-64680)
(Codes 64600-64681 include injection of other therapeutic agents (eg, corticosteroids)
Neuroplasty (Exploration, Neurolysis or Nerve Decompression) (64702-64727)
Neuroplasty is the decompression or freeing of intact nerve from scar tissue, including external neurolysis and/or transposition.
(For internal neurolysis requiring use of operating microscope, use 64727)
64702 Neuroplasty; digital, one or both, same digit
64704 Neuroplasty; nerve of hand or foot
64708 Neuroplasty, major peripheral nerve, arm or leg; other than specified
64712 Neuroplasty, major peripheral nerve, arm or leg; sciatic nerve
64713 Neuroplasty, major peripheral nerve, arm or leg; brachial plexus
64718 Neuroplasty and/or transposition; ulnar nerve at elbow
64719 Neuroplasty and/or transposition; ulnar nerve at wrist
64721 Neuroplasty and/or transposition; median nerve at carpal tunnel
(For arthroscopic procedure, use 29848)
64722 Decompression; unspecified nerve(s) (specify)
64726Decompression; plantar digital nerve
64727 Internal neurolysis, requiring use of operating microscope (List separately in addition to code for neuroplasty) (Neuroplasty includes external neurolysis)
(Do not report code 69990 in addition to code 64727)
Transection or Avulsion (64732-64772)
64772 Transection or avulsion of other spinal nerve, extradural
(For excision of tender scar, skin and subcutaneous tissue, with or without tiny neuroma, see 11400 11401 11402 11403 11404 11406 11420 11421 11422 11423 11424 11426 11440 11441 11442 11443 11444 -11446, 13100 13101 13102 13120 13121 13122 13131 13132 13133 13150 13151 13152 -13153)
Excision (64774-64823)
Somatic Nerves (64774-64795)
(For Morton neurectomy, use 28080)
64774 Excision of neuroma; cutaneous nerve, surgically identifiable
64776 Excision of neuroma; digital nerve, one or both, same digit
64778 Excision of neuroma; digital nerve, each additional digit (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use 64778 in conjunction with code 64776)
64782 Excision of neuroma; hand or foot, except digital nerve
64783 Excision of neuroma; hand or foot, each additional nerve, except same digit (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use 64783 in conjunction with code 64782)
64784 Excision of neuroma; major peripheral nerve, except sciatic
64786 Excision of neuroma; sciatic nerve
64787 Implantation of nerve end into bone or muscle (List separately in addition to neuroma excision)
(Use 64787 in conjunction with codes 64774 64776 64778 64782 64783 64784 -64786)
64788 Excision of neurofibroma or neurolemmoma; cutaneous nerve
64790 Excision of neurofibroma or neurolemmoma; major peripheral nerve
64792 Excision of neurofibroma or neurolemmoma; extensive (including malignant type)
64795 Biopsy of nerve
Neurorrhaphy (64831-64876)
64831 Suture of digital nerve, hand or foot; one nerve
64832 Suture of digital nerve, hand or foot; each additional digital nerve (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use 64832 in conjunction with code 64831)
64834 Suture of one nerve, hand or foot; common sensory nerve
64835 Suture of one nerve, hand or foot; median motor thenar
64836 Suture of one nerve, hand or foot; ulnar motor
64837 Suture of each additional nerve, hand or foot (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use 64837 in conjunction with codes 64834 64835 -64836)
64840 Suture of posterior tibial nerve
64856 Suture of major peripheral nerve, arm or leg, except sciatic; including transposition
64857 Suture of major peripheral nerve, arm or leg, except sciatic; without transposition
64858 Suture of sciatic nerve
64859 Suture of each additional major peripheral nerve (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use 64859 in conjunction with codes 64856, 64857)
64861 Suture of; brachial plexus
64862 Suture of; lumbar plexus
64872 Suture of nerve; requiring secondary or delayed suture (List separately in addition to code for primary neurorrhaphy)
(Use 64872 in conjunction with codes 64831 64832 64834 64835 64836 64837 64840 64856 64857 64858 64859 64861 64862 64864 -64865)
64874 Suture of nerve; requiring extensive mobilization, or transposition of nerve (List separately in addition to code for nerve suture)
(Use 64874 in conjunction with codes 64831 64832 64834 64835 64836 64837 64840 64856 64857 64858 64859 64861 64862 64864 -64865)
64876 Suture of nerve; requiring shortening of bone of extremity (List separately in addition to code for nerve suture)
(Use 64876 in conjunction with codes 64831 64832 64834 64835 64836 64837 64840 64856 64857 64858 64859 64861 64862 64864 -64865)
Neurorrhaphy With Nerve Graft (64885-64907)
64885 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), head or neck; up to 4 cm in length
64886 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), head or neck; more than 4 cm in length
64890 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, hand or foot; up to 4 cm length
64891 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, hand or foot; more than 4 cm length
64892 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, arm or leg; up to 4 cm length
64893 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, arm or leg; more than 4 cm length
64895 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), multiple strands (cable), hand or foot; up to 4 cm length
64896 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), multiple strands (cable), hand or foot; more than 4 cm length
64897 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), multiple strands (cable), arm or leg; up to 4 cm length
64898 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), multiple strands (cable), arm or leg; more than 4 cm length
64901 Nerve graft, each additional nerve; single strand (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use 64901 in conjunction with codes 64885 64886 64890 64891 64892 -64893)
64902 Nerve graft, each additional nerve; multiple strands (cable) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
(Use 64902 in conjunction with codes 64885, 64886, 64895 64896 64897 -64898)
64905 Nerve pedicle transfer; first stage
64907 Nerve pedicle transfer; second stage
Other Procedures (64999-64999)
64999 Unlisted procedure, nervous system