Charcot Fractures (Neuropathic Arthropathy)
This condition refers to fractures, usually foot damage, that occurs because the patient, usually a diabetic, lacks protective sensation, and because they can’t feel pain, walk on their foot or feet to the point where the foot breaks.
The description is also somewhat helpful for understanding: neuropathic (neuro = nerves, pathic = diseased, dysfunctional) arthropathy (arthro = joints, pathic = diseased, disrupted).
Below are views of normal foot xrays.

Consequences of lack of protective sensation:
When the fractures occur acutely, the foot will appear swollen and warm, and sometimes deformed. Since the patient has little pain, the process can progress before the patient seeks medical attention.
Often an important issue is to distinguish this problem from infection, since infection would look similar in presentation.

Because the patient lacks protective sensation, they walk on their feet until they literally become fractured, as lack of pain prevents them from knowing they are damaging themselves. The midfoot disruptions can be seen in the xrays here, with both fractures and dislocations.
With the bone getting ground away, the xray appearance can be confused with osteomyelitis (bone infection), but often is not infected.

When there is maldistribution of pressure on the sole of the foot due to the resulting deformity, a pressure ulcer (skin breakdown) can occur.
Sometimes, by redistributing the pressure evenly over the sole of the foot, as occurs in a total contact healing cast, the ulcer on the plantar aspect (sole of the foot) can heal.

When the deformity becomes chronic (long time duration), the patient is often left with a deformity that makes shoewear a challenge, since most shoes are not made to fit this foot.
Although prevention is the best treatment (checking feet daily, using proper shoewear), once Charcot fractures occurs, the options are:
Non surgical: avoid weight bearing, total contact casting
Surgical: removing bony prominences, sometimes repairing the fractures, and sometimes even amputation.